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Hey, @Moeed already solved it for me!
Hey, I just want it to be on the savings sign. The regular prices should be like that with ,00.Thanks!
Hey guys, I want my Savings to appear like this but unfortunately changing the standard text didn't change anything. I would be glad if anyone could help me!I want it to look like this: "Du sparst heute 80€" without the ,00. This Code should be for e...
Hey, I had bad experiences with a few codes, thats why I ask to be save. Anyway it's also the right code. : )
Hey guys, I want to have a menu point that is directly leading to dhl page where customers can add their tracking number. Can anyone tell me how to do that? Thanks! The point should be like this and if you click it sends you to the specific page with...
Hey the code was made for the desktop version because of an word we added. Unfortunately this problem is just for the cart drawer, not the normal front page. Will this code still solve the problem if the adjustment you've send should just be on cart ...
Can someone fix that quick? Its just on mobile view / desktop view is fine. Thanks!
Hey Guys, I want to add 2 aspects to the announcement bar as seen on the screenshot I added. Please note that the announcement on the middle is changing all the time and the view is same on the mobile version too. (Focal Theme)Thanks! Reference:
Tatsächlich habe ich bislang nur im englischen Feed gepostet und bin überrascht, wie gut es funktioniert. Ich habe bis jetzt auf alle Fragen Codes von mehreren gesendet bekommen, die alle funktionieren. Danke für den Hinweis, es ist deutlich effektiv...
Danke dir, ich habe aus Versehen im deutschen Forum gepostet. Sollte passen der Code!
Thanks my man but between the question and the answer shoudn't be a line. Just for the questions and after opening one, a border to "everything" regarding this question with the answer. Thanks!
Hey Guys, I wanted to make the headings smaller like on the screenshot but couldn't figure it out. It would be great if anyone could help me solving this issue. This is my shop now: That's the reference:
Hey Moeed, there is a little issue occuring with this code. As you can see the bottom line of the last question disappears. Furthermore if you open the question the line doesn't apply to the answer. Thanks for your help! The last questions: Referen...
Hey guys, I want to add a frame to every question on the Q&A. I would be happy if someone could solve this problem for me. Thats the state right now: The reference:
Unfortunately it just works on desktop view. On mobile view it hasn't the right position. Thanks
My Accepted Solutions
Subject | Views | Posted |
196 | 01-13-2024 03:53 PM |