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I figured it out. I had two issues. One: Apparently Shopify does not like numeric values when you're naming metafields. When I was trying to enter {{ product.metafields.custom.3d_animations }} it didn't like it because of the value "3". When I rename...
When I insert a new "custom liquid" block using {{ product.description }} and {{ product.metafields.custom.product_videos.value }}, it works. But still no luck using, {{ product.metafields.custom.3d_animations }}, {{ product.metafields.custom.3d_anim...
I am using the Shopify Empire theme for my store,  I'm currently working on adding a multi-line text metafield section into a HTML custom block on my product page for a certain template. I've done this before without issue...
I am attempting to create a section on my page to display links to product resources such as owner's manuals, etc. I have create three metafields for three types of documents (for starters) and now I'm trying to implement them into my product page te...
Hello Paul. This post is very helpful. I have a more complicated question: I would like to put a video gallery section below the image gallery. The videos would vary based on the product, as it would feature videos pertaining to that particular produ...
For some reason my store is not loading properly for everyone.  I have been trying to get my site approved for Google's Merchant Center for months now, but have been fighting a suspension.  I finally got some insight into what might be causing this f...
I am having an issue with the faceted filters on the collections page of my site.  I have a series of true-false metafields setup, but they are not showing the "yes" or "no" statements on the side of the page. (Using the Empire Theme) Any idea why th...
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