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Noooooo omg they are soooooooo expensive. use the DHL Duty & Tax Calc - it doesnt take percentage of order value its based on each duty/tax calculation request at checkout its $90 a month for 300 shipments. plus carrier agnostic 
No shipment is allowed to have a value of zero (these are international shipping rules set by the universal postal union)... even if it is a gift / freebie! that is why there are specific deminimis rules when the end_use of a package is indicated as ...
whats going on with the theme!? plus the book is sold out. where are you centralizing inventory or is this intentional
easily doable through current, depending on daily pickup amount. also depends where they pickup. whats your site i need to see what it looks like - you should start with amazon fba though if you havent already, but if you dont have enough then you ar...
Absolutely. Made in the USA it is duty free to CA & MX. on top of the fact that to EU, UK & many other countries, books falling under HS chapter 49 are essentially duty free or result in super-reduced VAT rate. Now... whether or not you have the abil...
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