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Hello, We have an app that uses the Order API to pull details about a customer's order. For some reason the response doesn't contain the customer first_name and last_name. Everything else is there like the customer id etc. We have a local version of ...
Is there an update on this? It would be beneficial to check whether the merchant is using checkout extensibility.Our app caters to both the old checkout and checkout extensibility. Some settings apply to either of these implementations that don't nec...
Hello, We currently have an application that integrates a JS script through a Script Tag on the 'thank you' page of our app users' Shopify stores. This script introduces a feedback "widget" on the page, allowing customers to leave feedback about thei...
Did you find an answer to this?We have an app that does the exact same and it seems like scripts tags no longer work on the new Checkout that uses Checkout Extensibility. 
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