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Our website have not gone live yet, hence, we are not able to see if transaction fee was charged on the order. We only do online orders. So, is there any transaction fee for a customer who paid the order in-full via store credit?
+1. Have the solution been found?
@Victor I saw a few discussion related to transaction fee that you have answered on Shopify Discussions. Appreciate your expertise on the above. 
I understand that there is no transaction fee if I'm using Shopify Payments. However, my business is in Malaysia. So, I need to incur 2% Shopify transactions AND 2% from my third-party payment provider. Back to my initial question and context set out...
Is transaction fee applied on store credit payment? Context: Item cost RM100. Shopify transaction fee at 2% and third-party payment transaction fee at 1% Scenario A: Customer paid RM100 in-full via credit card and, a few days later, request for a ref...
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