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hey, does anyone know how to resize the hero image so it fills the landing page, but not to where i have to scroll a lot. on mobile view, it looks great, but pc view the image is just so big and it almost is in your face. does anyone know how to resi...
i don’t know the custom code
how do i “add option as tab” i don’t understand
is it possible to make a hyper link with 4 options that say details, specs, faq, and reviews and have each of them when pressed to redirect to halfway down the page for faster accessibility. i provided a screen shot of a website that implements it an...
hi, my product page image is massive on pc view (mobile view is fine) but pc is scaled so big and ruin the pixels and quality. does anyone know a fix? website link
hi, i was wondering if it is possible to have my header menu, footer menu, and all existing hidden links (the two featured products on the home page) to fill in with #FFBD03 hex color so when people hover or press the link/navigation tab it turns yel...
well the png isnt allowed but if you click the 3 lines in the top corner and you hover over the dropdowns or click they fill yellow.
when i hover over the product, the text doesn't fill yellow. i was wondering if it is able to fill yellow like this. also is there a way the footer can be the same as the header?
I will check as soon as my laptop charges if it worked or not, but yes just like that on the two products on the homepage. also the black bar line is embedded across the entire theme i believe. if you know how i can get rid of all of them across the ...
hi, on my website on the dropdown menu with the headers, I click them and they underline and fill and highlight in #FFBD03 hex and I would like to have that on my homepage products as well if that is possible so when someon...
This works! But, yes the quantity would also be great!
hi, so i would like to have all of my clickable buttons more round. i have provided a screenshot of my buttons currently and the ones i would like to change to. thanks in advanced.
This does work! But I will stick to the original placement. Thank you.
hi, i am looking to have my heading and body text description centered (on mobile view only) pc view is fine and follows a pattern from left to right, but on mobile it is strictly placed on the left. i was wondering how i can make this display in t...
hello, does anyone know how i can make a specific part of a media page have a specific font. i was wondering if there is a way to make the “roberto black” font and put it into the CCS just for that specific part of store. Thanks.