Hello, I was wondering if we could add somehow a button "See more" at the end of a collection, which would redirect to the corresponding collection page. Let me know, thi...
Apr 18, 2018
Hello, do you know if there is any way to add the possibility to upload picture using the app Product Reviews? By changing the code or anything? This would be great to post pictures a...
Jan 22, 2018
Hello, I notice the default Facebook pixel do not record generation of lead, since it would only be related to specific URLs So it would be this code: <script> fbq('tra...
Hello, so I use a design for the text of my products when I hover on them http://www.screencast.com/t/X04O6Vn1 .prodThumb .title > span:hover { ...
Dec 27, 2017
Hello, I use Product Reviews to display a number of stars directly beneath the title of my product in product page so this is my shop, first URL with comments and second URL wit...
Dec 10, 2017
Hello, so I have this video integration in the product page: <p style="text-align: center;"><span><iframe src="URL" height="270" width="480"></iframe></span></p>...
Dec 4, 2017
Hello, so this library displays icons with CSS attributes: http://astronautweb.co/snippet/font-awesome-icons-v4-2/ I want to integrate it in my product page template, from my theme editor ...
Dec 4, 2017
Hello, so I'm quite beginner and I have integrated this size chart in Shopify I want this table to have borders, which it should have with the attributes: table border="1" rules="all"...
I have downloaded the new version of my theme and worked since today on it. I have noticed that name of the product is not present anymore on collection pages, as you can see on this URL: https...
Nov 11, 2017
Hello, As you can see when you add to cart on my shop, like with this URL: https://www.tresor-ethnique.com/collections/apache/products/boucles-oreilles-apache The cart systematic...
Oct 25, 2017
Hello, I want to add this really simple code, related to the collection page: .collectionGrid ul li .content p { font-size: 22px; } So I'm new in Shopify, so I don't ...
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Bonjour,Je suis collaborateur ShopifyJ'ai toutes les autorisations de boutiques possibles qui m'ont été communiqués Et pourtant (c'est la première fois que je vois ça), je ne peux accéder aux Fichiers, le lien est littéralement grisé ! C'est le même ...
Hello this looks great!But second step doesn't work I use premium theme Symmetry, which is an official Shopify theme. I have entered the HTML code inside a "Custom liquid"Since the theme has a json file for product page instead of html. Looks like th...
Hello, I want my blocks to have the same height regardless of the desktop resolution. Currently, I have an alignment with respect to the top of each block, and this one has its height modified according to the content of the block (example we see tha...
Well, and is there any way Shopify realized it kept stuck in 2010 and would develop this feature in a few months? In my opinion this is barely a 15 min work for a developer from Shopify to implement this. There were other discussions related that ar...
Hello, so I want to create a custom form with file upload.No, I don't want to use an app, I want to have full control on the design + pay no monthly fee for such a basic feature. To start with, I'm quite surprised Shopify has just a basic default con...
thank you very much, this worked {{ total_tax | money }}
Hello, now I have prices with VAT included, so I updated my Order Printer template invoicesBut for a reason I can't explain, VAT isn't showing up Any ideas would greatly help me !Thank you in advanceI have tried: <td>{{ tax_line.price | money }}</...
Ce code fonctionne pour les familles de variantes: $(document).ready(function(){ $("form label").text(function () { return $(this).text().replace("Color", "Couleur"); }); $("form label").text(function () { return $(this).text().replace("Size", "Tai...
Bonjour Fuznet, savez vous s'il est possible de proposer une traduction automatique pour les variantes elles-mêmes ? Ex: White -> Blanc J'utilise le thème Turbo Merci !