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‎04-29-2024 09:30 AM
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Bio: Founder of an innovative ecommerce platform that allows users to personalize products with unique AI-generated designs. Transforming traditional shopp...

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Bonjour à tous, L'adresse actuelle de ma boutique est mon domicile personnel. Je viens de m'apercevoir que celle-ci figure dans les mails de relance automatique de paniers abandonnés, par exemple. Je ne souhaite pas que l'on puisse remonter à mon adr...
Hi everyone,I'm utilizing Ubersuggest to assess my website, MyPaletteAI.I've encountered a critical issue labeled "Low Word count" on the collections/frontpage.However, since I'm not utilizing this particular page, I intend to deactivate it to preven...
Thanks, I have used Gitlab but now when i run the script I have a CORS issue. I guess i will do it with google cloud functions as you advised  Have a great day !
I have subscribed to GitHub, but with mentioning this in my script : people can still inspect the element of my page and access this file where my API is stored even if the reposiory is private. ...
You are amazing ! Thank you very much !  EDIT: You have to subscribe to github to access the page section in the repository menu. But I think that it is worth it for 4USD / month ! 
Hi @Xipirons , Thank you for your fast reply.By creating a server-side endpoint, does this will generate costs ? I am not a developper so this question can be very foolish.I am going to go step by step on what you advise and I hope i will succeed, ot...
Salut à tous,Je viens de créer une boutique Shopify nommée  MyPaletteAI: concept est simple : permettre au client de personnaliser un produit de son choix en générant un design unique!Qu'en pensez-vous ? Merci pour vos re...
Hello ! I've integrated the OpenAI API directly into my contact-form.liquid on my Shopify store. However, this poses a security risk as the API key is visible if someone inspects the element. To address this, I've attempted to store the API key in a ...
Hello, I am attempting to create a product carousel to integrate into my Shopify contact form, allowing users to select a product. I have succeeded in this, but now I am seeking guidance on implementing an additional functionality: filtering the prod...
Hello, Could you please let me know where you located the switcher code? Best regards, 
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