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Hey @Hemant_Chauhan  Try to use this code, it worked for me! <p style="float: right; text-align: right; margin: 0;"> {{ "now" | date: "%m/%d/%y" }}<br /> Invoice for {{ order_name }} </p> <div style="float: left; margin: 0 0 1.5em 0;" > <stron...
OK SOLVED! For anyone who face the same issue, specifically with translated filters being the target.Relative links is the first step but you also have to add both languages for the filter in the url : /collection/nameofthecollection?filter.p.product...
I have the EXACT same problem with custom links in my menu. I did try to put relative links in the menu instead and it still goes back to french when I am in english. What am I doing wrong?
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