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Hey @adamjohnsoko If you find my answer helpful then you can mark my answer as an accepted solution. It will really helpful to me.  Thanks
@adamjohnsoko create a new thread.  Thanks
@adamjohnsoko No , there will be different codes for that.  header.header { max-width: 100%; background-size: cover; }
@adamjohnsoko apply !important after the padding. just like this  .announcement-bar-section .page-width { width: 100%; max-width: 100%; padding: 0 !important; } It will work.  Thanks
@adamjohnsoko please add the below css to "base.css" file. .announcement-bar-section .page-width{ width: 100%; max-width: 100%; padding: 0; } .announcement-bar-section .announcement-bar { background-size: cover; }
@adamjohnsoko password? 
Hey @noborumelb please add the below css into "base.css" file. .collection .grid{ row-gap:30px !important; }
Hey @adamjohnsoko please share the website url. Thanks
@AZ2024 please share the website url here. Thanks
Hey @AZ2024 can you please share the website url? Thanks
Hey @noborumelb can you please share the site url here?  Thanks
@JimmyBlitz I can surely help you with that. can you please explain more and share your site url here? Thanks
Hey @HangoverHelper @HangoverHelper It is the part of blog section , we can't put the "Leave a review" below product section , and it is the standard way. Thanks
Hey @HangoverHelper are you using any app for this ?  Thanks
Hey @Onlinetrap please add the below css to the "base.css" file. #shopify-section-header .header__inline-menu{ display:none; } #shopify-section-header header-drawer { display: block; } #shopify-section-header .header--middle-left { grid-templ...
My Accepted Solutions
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