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Hi @ZAAK Seems you have done step 1, is the error happening on step 2 - what error message are you receiving? 1. Host your domain-verification file at the following path for each domain you’re registering:https://[DOMAIN_NAME]/.well-known/apple-devel...
Hi @manekakknowle Issue is the background is not transparent, image is skewed and not taking up the full size of the image document.Use the icon from your international site., If you're...
Hi @liambeauchamp If note is optional, place it in an IF condition so it only displays when a note is provided.  {% if note != blank %} <td class="customer-info__item"> <h4>Note</h4> <p> {{ note }} </p> </td> {% endif %}  Regards
Hi @Witney ,Your version could be too old... however this can be done via Theme Editor on the latest version 9.3.0Theme Editor > Home Page > Template (Add section) > VideoMove video section up, hide or delete the Sideshow Modify the video section set...
Hi @PedroPrado, Provided a new icon + css to your last message on the previous post - outlined some issues with the other custom SVG's dimensions.Here are some steps to follow when replacing SVG icons on Shopify with Inkscape.Disclaimer: There could ...
Hi @AndreNL,section.settgins.<id> refers to the section input settings that you can change via theme editor.Defined in the section schema - settings at the bottom of liquid file.shopify_page_url is the id and the type will most likely be url. { "ty...
Hi @binarydata22 Is this what your after? Regards
Hi @kiwi8 Not sure if you can modify the page in your screenshot for a development store. However you can direct users to or
Hi @thiag,If its just the wording and not how the sort is applied, you can do this via the Theme Language Editor without editing any codeAdmin > Sales Channels > Themes > click the [...] next the theme you want to edit > Edit default theme contentIn ...
Hi @Jj37 1 store owner/admin, 0 staff accounts on the basic plan, however you can add collaborator accounts.
Hi @Lizzy124 You can do this here:Theme Settings > Badges > Sold out badge color schemeNote: If you plan on changing colors, create a new Color Scheme or other Sections using said scheme will also be updated.Theme Settings > Colors > Add SchemeRegard...
Hi @LisaSadie Definitely a scam using a gmail email You can "Report abuse from a Gmail account" here:
Hi @LisaSadie SSL certs expire but ones from Shopify will automaticity renew and your site currently has SSL.Most likely its a scam, what was the senders email?Regards
Hi @PedroPrado Your site has some issues as my provided SVG edits are based off the default dawn SVG's and your website is using custom ones set at different dimensions with a custom element <account-icon> wrapping account login icon affecting CSS, e...
Hi @Johannes95 Other Shopify themes and websites tested are providing this structured data from the home page, however that code snippet is from dawn and uses conditions on when to apply and dynamically populates property values so cant confirm your ...
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