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They needed to verify my bank account, although it had already beenverified. I was paid after waiting 3 weeks. After further investigation,they do this to anyone who is new, and earns above a certain amount, withina specific time. As long as all your...
4 months? How much of your funds was put on hold? And had you receivedeven your first payment? I would advise contacting their support multipletimes a day. It might get repetitive, and they might say it's no need tocontact them again, but their certa...
Hello. Yes, we were eventually paid. Took approx 3 weeks from the date thatwe got the notice we were put on hold. They gave us the run around dayafter day after day. Was lied to by 2-3 reps.. and finally one rep actuallytook the time to look fully in...
Yes. They eventually gave me my money after holding it for 2 weeks.
Hey, I can be the first to tell you I feel your pain, as I went thrusomething similar, just with less time under my belt with Shopify. Weverified all our business documents, and was able to open the store, thenafter generating a couple thousand in sa...
Damn. Sorry to hear about another case of this happening. Although theyhave allowed us to keep using them with a different payment processor, wehave chosen to not continue with our store here. I'm hoping you will beable to recover your money at the e...
You get a new agent each time, unless you reply to old tickets. So we wouldcreate new tickets daily, and would get a new agent each time. Some of themyou can tell don't really care. Some of them will pretend like they careand want to help, but really...
Hello. Yes, that's what I would do. I think you need to be reallypersistent with them, because as I stated.. two agents told me theyescalated my case, and it took another agent to tell me the reality of thesituation. And I still have those support ti...
Well, this the aftermath of my "standard review". It took them approx 1week to resolve the issue, and during that one week they didn't tell memuch and left me thinking they were trying to steal our money. On the 8thday, they contacted me and told me ...
Although they did finally pay me, my store is still offline. They approvedour store, and we went live and did well.. now all of sudden ourdescription isn't descriptive enough and they won't approve us forselling. Seems like if it's not one problem, i...
Sorry to hear that man. Stay persistent with them. I was contacting themmultiple times a day despite if I wasn't getting anywhere... just to showthem I was serious and wasn't going anywhere.
Thanks man. I honestly did not think it would get resolved, because they don't tell you any information while you wait. But one thing I can say is, the person who did contact me in the end, explained everything that they did and why they did it. Whet...
I surprisingly was. After a week of being given the run around, someonefrom the backend finally reached out to me, and said that my payments wereturned back on, and that it was a standard review, and also that I neededto make a change to my product d...
I have an update on my end. I finally have heard back from them, and theyhave finally released my money. Wasn't really given a clear explanation asto why that happened other then "a standard review".. it just seems oddthat they did that to me right b...
Well, I will provide an update. After a week of being left in limbo, andpayments put on hold... they have finally gotten back to me, and arereleasing my money. I'm thankful that they finally decided to release mymoney, but it doesn't change the way I...