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// <!-- HIDING THE OUT OF STOCK LINE FROM THE FILTER / FACETS PAGE -->// Get all elements with the class 'facet-checkbox__text'var facetTextElements = document.querySelectorAll('.facet-checkbox__text');// Loop through each
Hi there,Here is the code my friend// <!-- HIDES THE OUT OF STOCK TICK BOX IN FILTERS -->document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {const hideOutofStock = () => {document.querySelectorAll('.mobile-facets__list .mobile-facets__item .fac...
Hi,did you happen to find a solution for this problem?Currently ive set up my own custom add to cart button in the collection pages as I am not a fan of the built in one.Its a simple + icon that shows variant sizes on hover and I am using the same ad...
Anybody gonna help with this please?Would appreciate the direction or perhaps even a sit down on how to do this would be great! Thank you in advance
Hi there,I noticed your very detailed and extensive reply to combat CLS for this particular persons store and wanted to let you know that I am facing similar problem but not with an image but the actual product grid as its dynamically loaded I guess ...
Hi all, @oscprofessional Hope someone can help out with this as I am running in circles, Ive made some progress but I do find other things that need fixing as a consequence of the codes I am trying to implement to fix the CLS in my collection pages.T...
Hi,Thank you for your reply! I've generated a javascript code with chatgpt that is tackling the issue for me right now. So far it works great :] Wont have the time to test your code for now unless this js stops doing its work :D. however if someone d...
<script>// Check if the current URL matches the one to be disabledif (window.location.pathname === "/collections/all") {// Redirect to another page or display an error messagewindow.location.href = "/"; // Redirecting to the homepage}</script>Use thi...
@Iceman3 Hey, I would appreciate if you share your solution here, as I am also looking to hide the Out of Stock options all around for the filters - There is no need for this option to be available Thank you
Hey You have to create metafields which youth assign to your products.Go to settings > custom data > products > there you create a metafield - lets say you call it Product description.Once that is created, you will then see a section called Product D...
@LitExtension Hi there,I am in need of a similar manipulation for my Product images in the actual Product pages - I've managed to up the definition on most areas either by increasing the px size of the image_url or by changing some digits that worked...
Anyone else has any thoughts on this please? Quite an urgent matter Thanks
Hi again @Raj-webdesigner But the white 1px is only visible in the desktop version. I had support team check this and they were running checks on an iPhone I think and were not seeing this problem.
Hey thank you for this! I’ll try to sort it out and if I can’t I’ll reach out. can we do $5 please ? Hope that’s doable :).thank you
Hello @Raj-webdesigner would you be able to point out how I can fix that please ? I’ve got a transparent header code in there and I also added a code to put the navigation bar on the right I noticed on mobile I can scroll the page to the right past ...