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Hey Henry,Thank you so much to take your time to give me a feedback of the website. I will communicate to the team to take picture of the beans.I will see how I can change the thumbnail images and show the different kind of product.Thanks again for y...
Same happen when I click on the navigation: "The three horizontal lines" 
Hello, I want to remove the pink overlay, it appears when I select a product and then "choose options" as you can see as follow:The same happen I clicked the navigation: the three horizontal lines.www.doecoffee.comI want both only to be darker withou...
Thank you @Dan-From-Ryviu !!! It works! 
Hello,I just want to become darker when I click "filter"  And not like the following: I want like this: This only happens when I click on "filter" which you can find it from the main page---> click on "Single Origin" ----> on the top of the corner of...
Hello, thanks @Columbus_Themes , but I don't want red. I just want to become darker when I click "filter" I want like this:And not like the following:This only happens when I click on "filter" which you can find it from the main page---> click on "Si...
@Raj-webdesigner thank you for your reply, but it doesn't work either.
Hi, it doesn't work... either. @Made4uo-Ribe 
It doesn't work.If you go "Single Origin" and then it appears the link to "filter" when I click on this, the background screen turns pink, and I just want to turn darker only.
Hello, I have this problem, it turns pink when I click on "Filter", which I want to turn it darker as I click on "cart" or "search".If you go "Single Origin" and then it appears the link to "filter" when I click on this, the background screen turns p...
Hi,I'm using the template "Image with text" from Dawn templateHow can I make that the image is not cut off and the logo can be completely visible in the frame?Thank you!
Thank you! It works! 
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