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You are totally right  I thought the above action would also be called at startup. Sometimes you're just in a programming tunnel!  Well, I hope that helps someone else too.Thank you!
I tried an other project from a YouTuber Because I thought I had done something wrong. But I think something about the new packages or cli no longer fits. The older packages in this projects work....
I tried an other project from a YouTuber Because I thought I had done something wrong. But I think something about the new packages or cli no longer fits. The older packages in this projects work....
Thanks for your reply. I also thought I was looking wrong. But if, for example, I add a console.log to app._index.ts within action in the remix template, it should be printed on the server side and thus in the terminal and not in the browser.export c...
Hey, No matter where I place my own Console.log(), no logs are output with the remix template. I have also set the logger to debug. I started locally with npm run dev.  I have looked at so many things. But I just can't find a solution. My packages ar...
Hi @Liam, Unfortunately, I have the same problem. Latest Cli and latest template version and unfortunately no logs in the console. I have also set the logger to debug. Nothing happens.  const shopify = shopifyApp({ logger: { level: LogSeverity....
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