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How can I remove all of the images that are on mobile and put them back in after I watermark them (on desktop)? The ones on mobile look ok, they are just old and have old watermarks, and just aren't the right/most current images. There are many more ...
I have a simple Shopify Dawn site full of 200+ digital downloads that I have created. I noticed that all of the images on my mobile are not the same - not the full # of images, and they all carry an"old" watermark that I want to erase. I want what I ...
Unfortunately, none of the links/replies below relate to my problem. 
I have a simple Shopify Dawn-theme site full of 200+ digital downloads that I have created. I am going to watermark everything next, but I noticed that all of the images on my mobile are not the same - not the full # of images, and they all carry an"...
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