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Hello ! i would like to change the color of the "thank you" message when subscribe to our newsletter, when you add ur email the message in black is not visible, i would like to put it in white, i search on the code but cannot find the section  if yo...
hello, i am struggling to change background color and padding for the container on mobile for the banner with picture on Dawn theme. When you add a banner with a picture, the button to see the product is in the middle of the banner on phone and you c...
Hello, i would like to change the text on my collection pages, when there is several prices and variants, there is a text "Du 39,90" but it means nothing in french, do you know where to go to change it for "à partir de" ? thx for help : https://mobil...
i changed for span but still in h2 for collapsible row on my product page : 
ok i see, so i should replace h2 by span ?
Hello, i am looking to remove h2 from collapsible row on product page for Dawn theme but i cannot find where, i change the code on collapsible-content.liquid from h2 to span but on my product page the collapsible row are still in h2 which is not good...
i added the code on theme.liquid but nothing happened
Hello, again little pb to center the title and price for the collection and change the color of the "promotion" badgeI search on main-collection-banner.liquid but i cannot center the title of the collection produc and the price, also i would like to ...
hello, i am trying to center the add to cart en buy now product button on Dawn theme, i did it with the price but i have trouble with those 2 buttons : is my code working with the p...
oh just a last thing, i checked the price with a reduction and the EUR is back with "en vente" which means for sale, how to remove EUR and "en vente" when i add a reduction price ?
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