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i also tried like this but still no changes :
hi i tried on theme.liquid and theme.min.css but no changes :
hello, thank you same issue when i save changes and i check the hover is still in black
hello, thank you i tried but it is not working, the color is not changing
Hello everyone, I cannot change the color of the highlighted text color when it says "be the first to write a review" on loox. I already searched on the app from the customization page but there is no option to change it.When you hover over "write a ...
yess :
Hello ! i would like to change the color of the "thank you" message when subscribe to our newsletter, when you add ur email the message in black is not visible, i would like to put it in white, i search on the code but cannot find the section if yo...
hello, i am struggling to change background color and padding for the container on mobile for the banner with picture on Dawn theme. When you add a banner with a picture, the button to see the product is in the middle of the banner on phone and you c...
Hello, i would like to change the text on my collection pages, when there is several prices and variants, there is a text "Du 39,90" but it means nothing in french, do you know where to go to change it for "à partir de" ? thx for help : https://mobil...
my bad working now thx
i changed for span but still in h2 for collapsible row on my product page :
ok i see, so i should replace h2 by span ?
Hello, i am looking to remove h2 from collapsible row on product page for Dawn theme but i cannot find where, i change the code on collapsible-content.liquid from h2 to span but on my product page the collapsible row are still in h2 which is not good...