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Nope, that answer was for the Laravel app. You should have package.json in a root of you Laravel project. You should have npm installed and run this in a console from project root:npm install @Shopify/cli@latest @Shopify/app@latest --save-dev Then u...
Consider using the Intersection Observer API: document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {
let section = document.getElementById('shopify-section-template--22155907236124__custom_liquid_xJMmQY')
let video = section.querySelector...
Consider adding the page-width class, like this:
1) Add shopify CLI to the project: `npm install @Shopify/cli@latest @Shopify/app@latest --save-dev` 2) Update scripts section in package.json `"scripts": {"shopify": "shopify","sbuild": "shopify app build","sdev": "shopify app dev","info": "shopify a...
BEAUBUS Favicons is built using Shopify/shopify-app-template-php, and BEAUBUS Banners using kyon147/laravel-shopify. Both are available in the App Store. Couple tips:1. Consider taking the Build Shopify Apps With Laravel course on Laracasts2. You can...