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I have this code in email template: {% if line.image %}<img src="{{ line | img_url: 'compact_cropped' }}" align="left" width="60" height="60" class="order-list__product-image"/>{% endif %} I'm tryng this: {% if line.image %}<img src="{{ line | img_ur...
Hello,below is the actual order confirmation email I receive when a customer makes a purchase This image is taken from desktop (on smartphone is quite smaller) I need images are larger, I need to resize them, in order to make easy to understand wich ...
Salve a tutti Attualmente ho un negozio su Shopify Presso Shopify ho due domini: e Il dominio principale è Il sito web è multilingue (inglese, italiano e francese) La lingua primaria per claudioma...
Which app is this site using for filters?I'm not able to detect what app do they use!! And I need just an app like that! Here the link and screenshot! Thanks to anyone who helps me! 
Hello,I'm using Dawn as theme My store is multilingual (english, italian, french) I need to add to my store collections more complex filter than Dawn default filters I need an app alllowing me translating averything (like option label, tags, collecti...
Hello, I'm using Dawn for my new website I'd really like to set my menu like the one in this image as used by a competitor (menu voices in the left and right top) that is currently using Dawn Is there a way to set the menu in this way? really thanks!...
Hello, I'm using form my new store the Dawn theme I'd like to know if Dawn supports a native accordion function for description text in product page Thanks evryone will help me
Ciao,utilizzo per il mio store (ancora protetto da password) il tema Dawn.Vorrei sapere come impostare il menu come fatto in questo sito (che utilizza Dawn come noi):   
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