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THANK YOU SO MUCH! I have been at this for a week now!
This worked on desktop, but the mobile image should be another image that I have uploaded and shouldn't be parallax. How can I keep only this on desktop and have a different static image on mobile?
How can I make my desktop image parallax? I'm using the Dawn theme and very new to Shopify. I tried fixing the background using the button, but that messed up the banner. How can I do it with CSS and where do I need to put the code? https://d4a48f-2...
This didn't work for me.
I am having problems with my site. I am trying to have the banner be image 1 on desktop and image 2 on mobile but with the one on desktop being fixed to the background. I am using the Dawn theme. d4a48f-29.myshopify.comraobai
I am running into this same issue with my site and need help.
Is anyone good with basic CSS on Shopify? I need help with my store I am working on. I want the main banner image to be stay fixed with the background (parallax) but I have to have 2 different banners, one for mobile and one for desktop. I am using t...