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I'm integrating Shopify into my App. In that, I'm registering webhooks dynamically. I can register all other webhooks for customers, orders, and products successfully. But I'm registering a webhooks for discounts as "discounts/create, discounts/updat...
Hi. I'm using the GraphQL query to fetch refundLineItems. But I need help to get the ID from the response. Here is the query,```query { refund(id: "gid://shopify/Refund/xxxxxxx") { id refundLineItems(first: 100) { edges { node { id quantity restockTy...
Hi. I'm using the Shopify GraphQL Orders query to get refunds. And using refund ID, I'm trying to get the whole refund data along with refundLineItems. But I'm not getting refundLineitems within the refund object while using the GraphQL query to get ...
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