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Hello, I need help with reducing the withe space in my shopify Empire theme product description (red lines) link :   
It did not work. There is no difference after I put this code, thx anyway
I have an old version version of empire themeThis section does not exist in my theme, how can i add it ?
Hello, I need help with reducing the withe space in my shopify Empire theme product description (red lines)   
I have an old version version of empire themeThis section does not exist
Hello, how can I reduce it more, please check
Hi, I need help on how to add a Frequently Asked Questions and Answers (FAQs) section in my product page ( Empire theme ) thanks in advance
Hello, I have a cash on delivery store When a customer places his order, he is transferred to this pageHow can I change this?Instead, I want to replace it with a simple customized thank you page   
كريم الوجه بالألوفيرا — My Store (
Hello, I need help with reducing the withe space in my shopify Empire theme product description (red lines)  
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