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Add this code, I actually has a premium theme[focal] and what I did it to copy the social-media.liquid content.Go to the page I was editing [for me Contact Us template] and adding Custom Liquid, and the CSS through Theme {
Hi thank you very much, I managed to solve that through Fontify free app the helped me install & configure the font for specific language that I wanted.But anyway thank you!
I'm trying right now, I need which Font format do I need to upload to "Content"? 1. woff ?2 woff.2 ? 3. ttf ?
Solved: for those who might land hereDownload FONTIFY [free] Enable the app and click savechoose fontchoose "All (body tags)"choose the language you want to translate [the foreign lang/ second lang] click saveBtw they have very good support team so ...
Thank you it actually worked!!for those who might land hereDownload FONTIFY [free] Enable the app and click savechoose fontchoose "All (body tags)"choose the language you want to translate [the foreign lang/ second lang] click saveThank you for helpi...
I have a problem, I choose font on Shopify fonts settings and it doesn't applied on my foreign language [In my case Hebrew].Why is that? in inspect it shows the font is "Assistant" on Hebrew & English text but in reality it doesn't.- Dawn Theme: 14.0...
But how can you do that? I struggle from the same issue but can find a solution.Where to upload the font, which code I need to modify to make sure it worked
Please tell me that you managed to solve that, I have this problem right now.
My pleasure, I also spend 2-3 hours last week finding that, and I forgot to update our community
Listen my friend it's very easy.Download free "Search & Discovery" -> go to "Filters" and then you can translate and it works 100% correctly.I've heard you can actually uninstalled it after that but I don't find it necessary for me so I keep it on my...
TL:DR I have 2 different categories [shoes, pants] and I can use Global "black" image of the shows because each black pants would have a smal photo of black shoe.What can I do, give up and switch back to hex color #000? or there is a way?Hi, I gave i...
Thank you very much, same issue right here.Just I Open the store -> translate to Hebrew -> and it didn't work change through Translate & Adapt filters.So I did as you said and downloaded Search & Discovery app and it worked out wellI'm writing this c...
Hi my friend, I'm facing literally the same problem.Did you find a solution to this problem?