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Kindly check a gap on right side.  
Actually I added background color, But it shows as I shared in the above image it is not covering some  of the left and right part. I do not know why all the section is not covered by that white color that I added. I want to add remove that gap or yo...
You almost fix my issue but when I made more changes it shows me again as it is previously. Kindly Re check. I want the same thing that You did. 
Thanks for your reply i want to add also color to that right and left gap
Hey I added Background:white;color is added but not on complete video a gap on right and left side can you plz fix that issue. Store link : expert-wc.myshopify.compassword:9999
Hey I added Background:linear-gradient( 270.01deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.08) 41.25%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8) 87.95% );color is added but not on complete video a gap on right and left side can you plz fix that issue. Store link :expert-wc.myshopify.c...
Hey I added Background:linear-gradient( 270.01deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.08) 41.25%, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8) 87.95% );color is added but not on complete video a gap on right and left side can you plz fix that issue. Store link :expert-wc.myshopify.c...
A small gap is still present. I want to remove all the gaps between the columns and right and left side gap.
Actually, I forgot to publish the theme. Can you please check now?
Hi!I want to remove the gap between columns. As you can see in the shared image, the gap which I  indicated in the red arrows format that needs to be removed in the Multicolumn Section.Kindly remove that Gap.Thanks!
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