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@Dan-From-Ryviu Thank you!
Thanks, it kind of works! But the colours changed and when hovering the word gets underscored, like an old URL link. How do I fix this design problem? 
I need help to make my header menus (kroppsvård, hem&inredning" etc)  clickable.Only the dropdown menus ("Hudvård, hårvård etc) are clickable but the header is only available using breadcrumbs to go backwards so to speak. I'm using Refresh theme. Ple...
I added bread crumbs to my website a while ago but my newest product category doesn't show, it only shows "home" and then the specific product. My website is and this problem occurs under the menu "För hemmet". What is wrong, please...
I really would like to change the order of my payment options in the checkout but I haven't found a simple and free way to fix this issue. It should really be included in the Shopify options! Does someone has a great tip on how to do this? I just wan...
Thank you, it worked! I don't really understand why or if there will be any consequences from it, but for now it works, yay! 
Thank you!I just can't find where I do the "Go to your section settings and turn buttons into the primary buttons". I can't change the button style in the theme settings Button adjuster, only change the colour. Can you please explain a little more sp...
Hi! How on Earth do I change the style of my already existing buttons? It must be doable, right? Right now my Add to cart-buttons are unfilled and I want to change them to filled. But how? This really should be so easy... Thanks. 
I can't make the Trustpilot widget work at my website. I've tried to add these codes in the html theme liquid code with no success. And when I try to "Add a widget" via the Trus...
It works! The code came up in your post, I don't know why I couldn't se it at first, but I copied it into base.css and now it looks as it should! You're a magician, thank you thank you thank you!! I'm so happy! 
You've already fixed it in the code? But it doesn't show up when I look at my website? Do I need to do anything or just wait for it to update? 
Haha, that's great, of course you can. Your printscreen looks like it should, yay, but where is the code I should paste? I feel so stupid now, what am I missing? 
Oh, I accidently once disabled the rightclick function and now I can't find my way back to enable it again. Maybe that causes you trouble? If so, I'm sorry. 
Thanks! I've removed the password now so please be my guest   
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