No matter what I do, the page titles for my collections are rendering as handles/slugs (lower case with dashes) and not the actual page title properly capitalized and spaced. I changed my code ...
I have a very simple requirement. Upon completion of an order, if a customer has a given tag, I want to also append that tag to an order. (i.e. customer has a "specialdude" tag, add...
Is there any way for these notes NOT to show on my customer list. Most of our customers have them and we stuff a lot of data here... in this view all it really does is clutter up the list.&nbsp...
Can anyone give me a bit of clarity on the specific flow of user registration in Shopify. I realize I may be using it a bit non-traditionally but I feel not radically so. We plan on ha...
Shopify seems to be CRUSHING my JPEGs all of which have already been optimized by Photoshop. How can I prevent this. I'm using Shopify Slate to deploy if that's the issue. I'v...
I started leveraging pages as reusable content blocks throughout my site. Works great. Only issue is that I need to leave the visibility set to public which means technically these...
I'm working with Slate / Git to create a new site offline. It's working great, home page, collections, products, account pages all being built out offline and uploaded... But I now h...
I am on a Shopify Plus account. In my store (not hosted by Shopify) I leverage Buy It Now buttons to fill a cart and then send users to my Shopify Checkout page to complete the transaction. ...
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Figured it out.    query { metaobjects(type: "store", first: 50) { nodes { handle type fields { key value reference { __typename ...
I'm doing a simple query of metaobject entries.  Works fine except for the fact that for file (image) fields, it simply returns the gid:// value which is of little use to me.  Is there a way to augment my query so that the actual file_url (Shopify CD...
Did you figure this one out?
Did you figure this out? 
Anyone else getting these warnings?   I just did a fresh Shopify CLI install on my MacBook via Homebrew.   Not sure how to remedy but these appear every time I run: shopify theme dev.  I've tried reinstalling CLI. /opt/homebrew/Cellar/shopify-cli/3.5...
Anyone figure out a way? 
It seems as if they just change the nomenclature to metaobjects.  From a cursory glance it seems it does most of what you'd expect with Custom Post Types.  Would love some feedback from anyone who has more experience with it however. https://help.sho...
Can try this... {% if product.metafields.custom.customfile != empty %} <!-- Put your existing code here --> {% endif %}
There seems to be a limited number of methods that permit messaging users, most of which pertaining to line item and shipping discounts but in this case, when I call shipping_rates.delete_if, I want the user to know why they're only seeing expensive,...
Shopify Scripts operates independently of Shopify's native coupon stack so any discounts you were to create there, would in no way be affected by any automated and/or coupon code discounts you create.  This, ironically is a problem for me since I don...
Oddly enough, via automated discounts and Shopify Scripts, I'm inadvertently stacking now and I do NOT want to.  Ugh.  
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