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I use the Carro app to process Flip app orders (how they have it set up) Most of the orders that were giveways come info my Shopify store and they show that I was paid say $15 through Stripe (outside Shopify). However, these were actually free sample...
That was already set correctly. . The issue is it’s displaying the domain instead of site name for all pages. 
I see the google things like @type,  in the code (forum wouldn't let me post al the code), but NO idea where to edit these. Any help with that? I've tried searching things like "@type" in the code but can't find them. Any ideas? If I can find that th...
Thanks for the link.  I already have what appears to be correct in the code, but it's still not working. This really shouldn't be this difficult to have a business name appear in search results. "@context": "@type": "name": "ur...
The site is months old, still not displaying correct name in Google search results so something is wrong. All pages in search results show a URL instead of the name. Theme: Studio.
Did you find a solution I am having the same issue.
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