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Thanks for your suggestion, but it did not solve my problem. It does work when I try it for other types of things, such as the code below, but not for the page templates.{% unless contains 'product' %} {% sections 'header-group' %} {% e...
Hi Henry,thanks for getting back to me.I tried your suggestion, and it worked for one of the URLs ('/pages/contact') , but not the other two. Any idea of why?{% if page.url == '/policies/refund-policy' %}{% sections 'header-group' %}{% endif %}{% if ...
Hi Sandrothanks for the response. Can you tell me what a 'handle' is, and how to find the handle for my landing page?thanksPaul
Hi,I'm not a developer and I'm new to Shopify. I want to have my landing pages have no header or footer.I tried this and ...