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This didn't work. I will just make separate menu items. That has always given me the result I'm looking for. thanks for your help though!
Here's the code I'm using {%- style -%} {% if section.settings.enable_complete_site %} .breadcrumbs{ display: block; } {% endif %} {% if template == 'collection' and section.settings.enable_collection_page %} .breadcrumbs...
Here's the code I'm using{%- style -%} {% if section.settings.enable_complete_site %} .breadcrumbs{ display: block; } {% endif %} {% if template == 'collection' and section.settings.enable_collection_page %} .breadcrumbs{...
I suppose, but there needs to be a breadcrumb to home from the collection as the homepage displays all of the categories/collections.
DAWN THEME 15.0.0Hi everyone!  I want my breadcrumbs to only show the actual collections the products are in and NOT show a path to 'all collections'.  I don't want this: Home > Collections > Collection > Product Instead, I want this: Home > Collecti...
I tried it again. This worked. Thanks!
Hi everyone!  DAWN THEME 15.0.0 I'm trying to update the url structure to include the collection name when you click on a product. Instead of having product/jabonera I want collections/bathroom/product/jabonera for example. I have seen many way to do...
Did anyone figure this out yet?
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