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HI Hardik, Can you give me a price estimate for this work? and a time estimate? thanks. 
I'm using the Dawn theme.... my website is I have 2 issues with navigating between product images.  on desktop:When a user enlarge an image, no right and left arrows appears to navigate between those images. Instead a vertical ...
  I have the same request... How can a user just swipe between images when they are in enlarged mode on Mobileweb only with Dawn theme? 
Thank you, but I just figured it out by myself. 
To make a text field mandatory, I need to give you access to the code? can't you help me with the part I should alter myself?
This is the listing in question > need users to not be able to by pass this step... How can I make this text area required or mandatory to be filled up before clicking on ADD TO CART b...
Of course! I can't believe I did not put the URL... Thanks for your help! 
 how can I add a text area as a product option? so users can enter the names of the 12 colors they want simply by looking at the images that lists all the colors? Thanks! Linea 7 Modular...
I got some code to reduce the HUGE size of the images in the zoom feature on product pages... I had to add this code to Theme.liquid... and that worked.  <style>.product-media-modal__content.color-background-1.gradient,.product-media-modal__content.c...
I would prefer just to hide the icon on mobile... but I only find "Card-product.liquid" file... and I search for icon or zoom to change the visibility in the code but nothing shows up... can you help?
This is my page > the images are embedded in the background of the cell it seems... so when the screen is resized, the table is responsive but my images are all cropped... is there a way to fit to size in the...
I think on hover, that magnifier icon with the + sign in the middle, to enlarge or trigger the lightbox preview, is okish but on mobile?? An icon on every photos... not very nice... So I would like to either be able to replace the icon with a more su...
That is not really fixing the problem of the images being shown at their original size, which most of the case is about 3000 pixels,... which is too huge to see the product... also, on mobile, it does not solve anything. both "click and hover" and "l...
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