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I have checked the shopify.server.tsx file in that there is only one webhook registered  "APP_UNINSTALLED"Should I register other Compliance Webhooks in that file?I also check the webhooks.tsx file in that all Compliance Webhooks are written in actio...
Hi @eaugustin2  You just need to create an route and in that route Loader function load all values you want from prima database and return a json with all values and then create a proxy url for your app (Go to the partners dashboard and in your app c...
I found the solution. By creating an api and call that api on frontend. Thanks
I created an Remix app in typescript and create theme app extension using shopify CLI. Theme app extension is for "App Embed Block"I created a app settings form with some fields and save them in the prisma database according to store_id.Now I want al...
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