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Thanks Liam, Ya, that's what I did.The shopify font I'm using is "Neue Plak" and I'm pulling in Bebas from google for h1-h6 into shopify via @import on my main css. Is there a better way to use a google font in a shopify site? or is the way I'm doing...
Is there a way I can use a shopify font in codepen? I don't want to use something close to a shopify font. I want to use the exact fonts I use on my shopify site in codepen for design testing purposes. Thank you
I've also put up a new dev site on shopify with only the dawn theme to test if some of my other code was the problem. It's not. I don't think Shopify is doing anything wrong but I suspect there is something in shopify's build that I'm not aware of th...
Thank you. 1. I copied and pasted the HTML directly from CodePen into the custom Liquid template block as HTML. And I've checked it.2. I did notice my css below. I had to comment out /*visibility: hidden;*/ or nothing would show. I copied and pasted ...
Hi Shopify Community,I'm facing an issue with a GSAP animated section on my Shopify site. I've created a Pen on CodePen that works perfectly:CodePen ExampleHowever, when I try to implement the same animation on my Shopify site, it doesn't work as exp...
Can I use React.js within customizing the Dawn theme or do I have to start with a headless build?Thanks
I'm a developer. I have set up 2 different Shopify Dev accounts, one for myself as a developer and the 2nd for my client, that I am currently developing a site for. I am going through Shopify Academy for developers, learning Liquid and other skills. ...
I got the GitHub page transition you linked above to work on my Shopify site using Dawn 15.0.0. But it took a lot. Right out of the box, it didn't work. Once I got it working, I ran into issues with other separate GSAP animations I created within the...
This was a tough one, but I figured it out. I went through so many different fixes. I'll try to remember what I did. I had to make a new file in the root directory named "Gemfile" with no extension. Then place this inside it:source 'https://rubygems....
I was asking about the file path, but I found it. Thanks
I'm on a Windows 10 machine. I've installed npm, Ruby, and Shopify CLI. I verified them in the terminal, and they are all there.I manually made my Gemfile in my local directory, where I plan on pulling the theme files with this content and no extensi...
Thanks, Nate. Could you pass on what you find out?
I have the same question as Nate. Nate, did you find an answer?