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Hello, I have the following code (it's both a size selector and add to cart button) in a custom liquid block in my product page. However the problem is with the add to cart button, when you click the add to cart button it directs you to the cart page...
I found the code for the button, but not sure how to make it open the cart drawer instead:<form method="post" action="/cart/add" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="product-form">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="{{ }}">
yes that is what i've selected, if you watched my screen record But still doesn't open the drawer?
Hello, When pressing the add to cart button It directs you to the cart page, but I want it to open the cart drawer. And the weird thing is that's it selected to open the drawer but it dosen't do so?? I screen recorded it here so you can see: https://...
Hello, To get the arrows to be outside of the slider in the image above I added this custom css code: @media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
.slider-arrow.left-arrow {
position: absolute !important;
left: -50px !important;
Hello, I've a collection slider with a custom liquid block. And I really have this problem with trying to move the arrows outside of the collection images. the page it's on: As you can see right now there ins...
Thanks, but there is no element with the id: .product-price::after
It worked, but now the line is no longer full width?
Hello, I have added this code to get a line under the price:<style>
#ProductInfo-template--22029799948614__main > p.product-price {
border-bottom: solid 1px #482e2e40;
padding-bottom: 7px !important;
padding-top: 5px !important;
} And it ...
So how do I make it less bold?
Hey, No to all of them!
Hello, How do I make the titel in a product card have font-weight: 500; my store: Thanks for helping!
Hey, EDIT (I FIXED IT) I'm having this problem with product cards. That the product title, vendor and price (card information) changes position if the product image is bigger/smaller. So I want the card information to always be in the bottom of the ...
Hello, I would want the buttons to be on the sides of the slider, they have been there before but now there not. my store: Thanks for your help!
Hello, I would want to move the product description thats right now on the right side to the left side under the product images. My store: code: kidos24 How it looks now: Where I want the description in position: Thanks f...