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This should be work. can we have your store URL, and can you put the code here? or what is the theme you are using ?
as far as i know, you cant fetch the inventory level from the frontend. so if you really need inventory count please create a  section and use section rendering API to fetch the data, or you can create a JSON object in your product page and read that...
Did you do any code chages in the theme? or installed app or remove exsisting app? can we have shop link?
It took time to sync the products in the google search result. so please wait small time. and please do recheck in your code, there will be missing ld+json and some metadata tags, also, if you can please remove everywhere the price showing in the HTM...
If you are asking like show different text on "Add to cart" button (eg: instead of add to cart you want to show "i want it" text) and yes, this is possible. and this is not a name change, this is visual text change, to do this, it will require you th...
hi, can you give us more details, your store url, what exactly you are going to do ?
so assuming you are going to build a upsell / crossell app, and assume you like to tag the item that the user added to cart using your app generated "add to cart" element. to do that please use product "properties" (more here -
In your theme customizer there will be a setting for that, If not you have to edit the code and make the H2 to H1. Seems like this section is a banner carousel. if you plan to lot of banners and text then there will be lot of H1 tags and that will be...
is this good? {{ item.sku }} ( i think you get line_item as the item )
do you want to hide the SKU: text if the variant does not have SKU? if yes then change the line to something like this{% unless item.variant.sku == blank %} <span>SKU: {{ item.variant.sku }}</span>{% endunless %} or {% if item.variant.sku %}<span>SKU...
normaly you can add property input inside of the product form like <form action="/cart/add"> <input type="hidden" name="form_type" value="product"> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="41324315803699" class="product-variant-id"> <input type="hidden"...
can do but need to build custom app and  need to plan the process properly.
Do you need to add another product to cart when someone click on this shop pay button? like if someone in product "A" page and when they click on the "shop pay" button you need to add product "b" to cart and let them to checkout with product A and B ...
This is wordpress side ( ) what is you exactly mean? do you have shopify shop?
you can use tags for this, but have work to do.first you can define the discounted price concider as % (or fixed value such as every variant price get discount of -10USD) value . like 10% discount for membership. and add tag like membership_10 , and ...
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