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Solved the problem, thank you.
Thanks for going out of your way to write me the code, it`s very useful
i think this change will enhance my website seo
this is my product page:, everytime i click the vendor, it jump to the /vendors?q=MOTOROLA page, i need to change this to a certain page like https://hkrsolutions.c...
hello, i meet the same problem.But i can answer you that is not a simple page, it is auto appear, this page"" is the pag...
I meet this too, i wonder why it can't be indexed by google, and cahtgpt didn't give me the answer, I want to get help from you, but it seems that you r being puzzled by this too.
{% assign pdt = all_products[handle] %}<a href="{{ handle }}"><img src="{{ pdt.featured_image | img_url: 'medium' }}" alt="{{ pdt.title }}"><p>{{ pdt.title }}</p></a>
hello, have you fixed this problem
{% assign related_keys = "related_antenna,related_batteries,related_charger,related_remote_speaker_mics,related_earpieces,related_carry_accessories" | split: ',' %}{% assign related_labels = "Antenna,Batteries,Chargers,Microphones,Earpieces,Carry Att...
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