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I'm having a problem with the layou of a custom section on the iPhone, it is all to the side, and the problem is not the screen size, but the This other image is on an Android device:Rememberin...
How do I do it, the header of the site becomes the product information part, bringing the reviews. Product Subscription and Buy Buttonsite exemple: the picture changes with each ing...
Could you help me with the custom code? I don’t understand much about programming.
Hello, I would like to know if there is a way to limit access to a form after it has been submitted by a certain number of people, to stop accepting submissions or automatically block access to the page.I am going to create a discount and I only have...
Olá gostaria de saber se tem algum modo de limitar o acesso a um formulário após ele ser enviado por um certo numero de pessoas, não aceitar mais ou bloquear o acesso a página de forma automática. Vou criar um desconto e só tenho 20 cupons, mais 50 p...
I managed to find the solution, thank you for everyone’s help. Here’s how I solved the problem.  
I can’t get the add to cart button to appear in place of the quick view button, can someone help me?
Did you manage to replace the quick view button with the add to cart button?
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This widget could not be displayed.
This widget could not be displayed.
This widget could not be displayed.
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