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Hi, Im wanting to add filters on my collection pages using tags, only filter now working is my collection sub category which i add using "product type" however I would like to add more options such as colour and size. Empire theme doesnt seem to work...
I used simproysis and belive there might be a tracking through there will this work?
Hi, I am very confused, my conversion tracking isnt working, ive tried on google tag assistant, please see below attachment. Someone please help me on this, doesnt seem to work on the page checkout but works everywhere.
Hi I would like to edit my website utility bar/announcment bar as seen in url on Empire theme but unsure how to do so. I would like to add some text & link in different sides (left and right) same as in here Or simil...
I can't see "custom css" also do i place it at the bottom of the file? do i replace anything?
there are many sections though? Can you please advise where I can place the code? Do I go to "theme.css" ?
What do i replace it with?
I want to center the text on the header menu, website is Same to the example below
or is there a bulk way to do so
Hi, I have around 1000 products, is there any better option or ways to do it through codes, here is the link,
How do I add product name,sku & vendor on my url for all my products?At the moment it is DOMAINNAME.COM/products/SKUbelow is how I would like it to be in the similar format, how can i do this for all my products?DOMAINNAME.COM/products/PRODUCT-NAME-S...