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Oh my I am having a similar problem but for me most of my customers are based in Europe and the US, but I am unable to set a USD base store. Shopify is also unable to help me, and they seem so uninterested in solving this problem. If you don't mind m...
Good day, Shopify payments does not operate in South Africa currently.Unless there is something I missed but as far as I know they do not operatein the country currently but thank you so much for all your suggestions.
Hey I am literally having the same problem! Please let me know if you were able to resolve your issue. I would really appreciate your feedback. Thanks!
What I did was contact shopify support and they gave me the proper link to register on Payoneer but now I am having a problem connecting my Payoneer account to my Shopify account. If you look at the image provided below, I am unable to connect the tw...
Hey guys! has anyone of you had a problem opening an account with a third-party payment gateway? I have tried Poyneer, ONERWAY and Ayden it's been three weeks and none of them have gotten back to me. I do not know the reason why, but they have not go...
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