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Thank you so much, work perfectly.
hello again @Guleria , unfortunately another problem appear: when i click shop now (commander maintenant) the menu open itself automatically... Normally all button named buy now (commander maintenant) in my page redirect to the section of product pa...
i randomly add the code in themes.gempages.header.liquid and .... it works. thank you
thanks for assistance so much, but i dont understand nothing in coding, where i must check theme template or jf file ? (i use gempages, one page) . i must search in this list (screenshot) ??
i can't undestand, in shopify it shown (screen1) but in crl+u it'es missing (screen2). i don't know if there is relation but i add 3 code to css.base to remove cart/search/log button from menu
first thank you for the reply ,i copy past the code you give into theme.liquid as you say. (screenshot) the problem is the same, in mobile when i click a link in menu (mobile) the menu stay open (he must close automatically).
Hello!I am trying to get the mobile menu to auto-close after clicking on a link rather than clicking on the X to close it manually.Can you help me with some code and where should I insert it? I have the dawn theme and gempages (one product store/page...