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Im using Android and iphone. It doesn't show up on either. Are you inspecting from the computer? Because from the inspect tool it shows.
Hi! I can't see any discount prices in the phone version. It shows the discounts inside the shopify theme editor but not on my phone and other phones. Can this somehow be fixed? Website: And if someone could help more then how can I alig...
Hi! Thank you for the response. The code sadly didn't work though. Atleast when I inspect it in mobile version it still goes under the icons. I now moved the logo to the left. Maybe you can somehow move the converter on the right side of the cart i...
Hi! Can someone help me fix this? So the flag doesn't go under the icon. I can move the Logo to left if needed.
Hi!How can I transform the "add to cart" text into full caps (uppercase)? And is it possible to code the add to cart to show the variant inside the "add to cart" text. Like so:So when a variant is selected, the variant text shows after the "Add" te...
Ohh, I thought it wasn't fixable. Thank you so much!!! You cant see the issue on the website.The issue is that the pictures that I put into the variant options, these pictures don't show in the thumbnails of the listing on the website. BUT they show when you click on the variant on the websit...
HI! When I add pictures to the listing and then after I connect some pictures with the variants so the customer can click on the variant and then the picture comes up that I connected to the variant. When I do that, the picture that I connect with t...
Okay. Is it possible to do something like this: If the customer is scrolling in the collection and scrolls down for 3 seconds and then clicks on a item. They will arrive in the product listing. But when they now want to go back to the collection, the...
Its pretty hard to see
Thank you so much! Can you also tell me how to remove the small line above the breadcrumb?
Sorry but I have no coding knowledge. I've done every coding with chatgpt.
{% if template == 'product' %}{% assign current_collection = product.collections.first %}{% if current_collection %}<nav class="breadcrumb" role="navigation" aria-label="breadcrumbs"><a href="/" title="Home">Home</a><span aria-hidden="true" style="ma...
Thank you it worked! Can you also help me get rid of the little line between the heading and the breadcrumb? And when the name of the product is too long, in the phone version it goes to the next line. How can I keep all of the text on the same line...
Hi! I would like to remove the padding of the product information box. So the breadcrumbs could come closer to the picture. I am using Dawn theme. I tried to do something with chatgpt and css but I think I didn't find the right DIV. Store is Kylara.c...