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Yes but now the gap is too much 
Done I enabled all featured collections sections width to full. I just left the Shirt section of featured collection left so that you can understand the diffrence 
I have full width option on in the editor. But the problem is its not aligned with the other sections like you can see its at left part too much from the title 
No i was talking about this *featured collection 
Hey thanks for the reply. You can see the New Arrivals section for an example. Here is my URL:
 When i use this the products left padding decreases. The left alignment becomes very bad for the other sections I have desktop carousel enabled. So I want to max the product image width but also keep the left alignment same as now. *I am using adapt...
When i use this the products left padding decreases. The left alignment becomes very bad for the other sections I have desktop carousel enabled. So I want to max the product image width but also keep the left alignment same as now. *I am using adapt ...
how to remove these underlines from cart on hover
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Color varient color text color change
how to reduce multicolumn space
How to change mega menu width and height
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