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I've made a flickity carousel used throughout my store, and it sometimes will load a page and cut off the bottom half of each carousel cell. It usually works after reloading the page, but is there a way to prevent this from happening?<script src="{{ ...
Thank you so much! That works perfectly!!
I have a 2 column, 1 row table in the content of a blog post, 1 cell has an image, the other has text. It looks good on desktop, but terrible on mobile - the picture is tiny, and the words get all squashed and go off screen. Is there a way to transpo...
it turns out I had to remove a section of code that I had included when looking at the flickity code examples on their website:/* cell number */ .carousel-cell:before { display: block; text-align: center; content: counter(carousel-cell); line...
I'm trying to create a carousel with product recommendations, but cannot get the images and product titles to show within the carousel-cellHere's the code I have:<script src="{{ 'flickity.pkgd.min.js' | asset_url }}" defer></script> <link rel="styles...
I'm using the Dawn theme and have a collapsible content section added to my product pages, with custom section blocks: {% for variant in product.variants %} {% if
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