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<a href="{{ routes.cart_url }}"        class="navlink navlink--cart"        data-drawer-toggle="drawer-cart">        {% if section.settings.use_icons %}          {{ cart_icon }}          <span class="visually-hidden">{{ 'layout.cart.title' | t }}</sp...
 Hi all i want to add my language selector into mobile drawer menu. My site is  
 Hi all, I need to reduce the white space between the heading and the body text on these sections. My site is 
 Hi,id like hide the borders on mobile footer. My site is
Hi, my buttons seem to be margin  over to the right when I need them to align left my site is 
This is why the forum exists, if you don’t have the code to fix please don’t respond as you will hurt others. 
 Hi, I want to make my buttons on Home Screen mobile full width and round my site is
 Hi, my search font when you type you can’t see it because it’s white. Please change font to black. Also I want the regular Search type word to black and the borders black. my site is   
Ok. Can you send me the code please. I know how to find file but not code for button. And add link to page 
Hi, I want to add a button that says Login to my header instead of the cart on the homepagejust a 1px outline black button. MY SITE IS
Hi, I want to add a button that says Login to my header instead of the cart on the homepagejust a 1px outline black button.   
 Hi, I want the language selector to be fixed and not. Move on scroll. My site is 
 Hi, I want to add a button that says Login to my header instead of the cart on the homepagejust a 1px outline black button.  my site is
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