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Does this seem correct?{"query":"{productVariants(first:1,query:\"sku:SKU727\"){edges{node{product{title}}}}}"}
Hi, I have a simple query like this:{"query":"{products(first:10,query:\"title:*brace*\"){edges{node{title}}}}"} If I want to search the product inventory SKU field, instead of title, it seems it needs an alternative syntax as the SKU is a product va...
This worked in the end:{"query":"{products(first:10,query:\"title:*brace*\"){edges{node{title}}}}"}I had to use \ to escape. I think the issue is my platform/environment. Thanks for nudging me along; I have a solution now at least
Daveed, thanks for the reply. I think quotes are my problem. I now see this: {"errors":[{"message":"syntax error, unexpected invalid token (\"'\") at [1, 27]","locations":[{"line":1,"column":27}]}]} Can I use single quotes around the query, like this...
Hi, Newbie to GraphQL. I have a basic query working, for example to show the first 100 product titles: {"query": "{products(first:100){edges{node{title}}}}"} However, I've had no luck with any type of query to search a product. My current (failing) q...