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I fixed it with my own code, but if anyone else runs into the problem. Basically I followed this video and then modified the code to take a second variant separately and just check for both the right color and material and show the images that fit bo...
The default behavior can let me pick a photo to show, but not disable the button and that also is only an edge case and not the main issue, which is showing multiple images for each variant, when there is two variant categories Here is a link with an example, I removed the previous code I had that only worked with multiple images of each color. Basically, the material and color varian...
Hey everyone,I have a sandal product that I have available in 3 colors and 2 materials. So I should have 6 different variations of the same product, but I can only add one main image for each. All the tutorials I have found so far only help in the ca...
Has there been any new updates or solutions for this problem? I am looking to have alt text in multiple languages and I am not sure how to do it the right way now.
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