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It worked, thank you so much, I just reduced the line text to 1 instead. I need help with one more thing, i want to add account text to my account icon. see image 
It worked, thank you so much, I just reduced the line text to 1 instead. I need help with one more thing, i want to add account text to my account icon. see image 
So i tried this changing the line clamp to 1 instead, thank you so much for helping me on this a.card-information__text {display: -webkit-box;-webkit-line-clamp: 1;-webkit-box-orient: vertical;overflow: hidden;text-overflow: ellipsis;}.card-informati...
Thank you so much for your quick response, but kindly check after i applied the styling why it's not working 
Hi, here is a link to the main preview. i Have applied it is not working 
How do i align my product title to be on the same line so the buttons can be on the same line too? 
 The text, and the login to see price buttons don't align. I have tried different css styling it's not working here is the link to the preview copy 
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