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Hello! I am using the dawn theme and my website URL is: I recently changed the name of my option button to add to cart on Swedish and made all of the add to cart buttons smaller. But I can't figure out how to make the option button...
Thank you for your answer. But I would like it to work with metafields so It is different for all of our products if possible
Hello, I don't have the same file as he had.
Hello! No that is a part of my description. If you scroll down this is the custom liquid that I want to replace with that don't have lines:
Hello! I am using the dawn theme and my URL is As mentioned in the title I would like to keep all the lines (enter) in my meta text if possible. I would like this: To look like this:I saw on this video: Keep Line breaks in #Shopify...
Is it possible to only change it on the items that has the gift option?
Yes, my url is:
Hello! I am using the dawn theme and my URL is I am trying to adjust the layout of my product page so that the "I want to send this as a gift" option spans the full width of its container and pushes both the "Quantity Selector" and...
Hello! I am using the dawn theme and my URL is I would like to add some shadow behind the product image on the product page:I would hugely appreciate the help!
Hello! I am using the dawn theme and my URL is I recently removed the options button, but I would like to replace it with a single 'Add to Cart' button that matches the design of the existing buttons. However, instead of adding the...
Hello! I am using the dawn theme and my URL is I would like to move the add to cart button but only on PC to the left if possible:I would hugely appreciate the help!
You may have misunderstood my question. I want them to rotate but when both slides have rotated it switches direction and that is what I'm trying to fix. I just want the slideshow to rotate in one direction continuously.
Hello! I am using the dawn theme and my URL is I only have 2 slides and when they are done I don't want it to go back and switch direction if possible.I would hugely appreciate the help!
Hello! I am using the dawn theme and my URL is I recently changed so my menu and logo, icons are on 2 different rows:I used this code in theme.liquid before the </body> tag in order to split them to 2 different rows: <style>@media ...