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Do you mean password? 
Again still the same but now it displays a message on top of the spline. Really not sure what the issue is.
Unfortunately, it stays the same in mobile view. 
Sure it's, password is pwa123
Hey guys, I recently started to use Splines and the integration method is to create a custom liquid and then copy the viewer embed from Spline. This works but when in mobile mode the sizing doesn't change to fit the screen? Any ideas on what I can do...
It was working and now unfortunately it’s not? It’s showing a play button but won’t allow the video to even play now? I’m so confused 
Amazing thank you so much! You’ve been a great help 
Oh really? Does the play/pause button show on screen when you load up? 
The loop is working but I do not want the play/pause button to be there. I want to hide all of these options you can see in the image below. I don’t want people to be able to press play or pause or anything like that I just want the video to play aut...
I would like to have no option to press play or pause I would like it to automatically just play on a loop. 
That worked great thank you so much! I am wondering is there a way to have this video just play on a loop and not have to option to play/pause? 
Hey, This code works perfect but when I add a video for both there seems to be like a dark overlay on them? Its as if I turned down the brightness on them or added a dark transparent layer over them. Can you take a look please? Thank you
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