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Hi Please can someone help - i havent got my tracking quite correct for meta. I think i'm running Ads from the wrong meta account (see screenshot 1). What do i do?  There are also two Pixels on the account i want
Please can someone help as to why some products have the customer review stars but others dont 
Hiim looking to add dropshipping to my site. What app would people recommend? Zendrop looks good but $29pm ideally I’d have one that charges per order would welcome some feedback/audit of my updated store  thanks in advance!
Or you could have provided some detail. Found a helpful user who showed all the liquid file code to input 
This is great. is there a way to centre the words in the hover section?
i want to show three images, and when someone hovers over them they showcase another image (with text on it). What is the code to enable this?
Hiim needing some help. I would like to remove the outer green line around my collection, and also make my wording much more sleek. I’ve attached an example to show    
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