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I sell most of my products on Tiktok Shop, does anyone know if there is a way to redirect it so that when anyone clicks on a product on my tiktok shop they are redirected to my website? Or a way that when they go to pay the money goes to shopify and ...
I have not been able to get my customer payments into my business bank accounts, it even shows zero payouts from Shopify. How do I know that there is a problem with my bank because I linked my Shopify account with my store immediately when I created ...
I'm glad that I'm not the only one having this problem. I have not been able to get a single payout, I reached out to customer support for help and got back nothing. Yet I do not have the money to pay for the customer orders on AliExpress to get them...
A lot of people have told me this, I contacted support multiple times with no reply, and I have a lot of orders now
....So what would you suggest?
Where do I place my AliEpress order?  I understand that for some of the platforms I use I am supposed to get the order from my customer and then order it from Alidrop/ Aliexpress and ship it to them, but I'm slightly confused on how I'm supposed to g...
My shop is pretty new and so I am still learning, so maybe someone can clear this up for me. I am using AliExpress/ Alidrop & Dropshipman to fulfill my orders. But I have the auto-fulfill option that I have been using for Dropshipman, and it's been f...
When I look on Social Media everyone talks about the Shopify Payouts and saying that there is often a hold, when I go to the payments center there is no actual option for payouts at all, but it does say that it has my bank info. Is there a certain am...
I’m glad I’m not the only one, I woke up scared
I’m using Alibaba, so what do I put as my warehouse? Also I’m struggling to find the option to set up a shipping template. Where do I find this? 
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